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Time Management - Pac-Man Wasteland!

Google Pacman Game: 4.8 Million Work Hours Consumed In Celebrations

consumed $120,483,800 in costs for the lost work time, where the Google user is paid $25 per hour.


37 Reasons to Blog...

Blogging, An equal opportunity employer
  1. A blog is just a tool, but it is the easiest, most effective publishing tool to share information with customers and prospects.
  2. A blog can be the center of your content marketing strategy. As you widen your net to attract prospects and customers through social media, your blog is the place you point them to.  It's your magnet. ...
Read on...


Time Sucking... or Time Wasting... or should I say...

First, I had a perfect cup of coffee, then I wanted to find a nice image to put in here and came across several things this morning. had this image - I found it under time waster.  Love it!  Now I have a new Tweet I'm following.  I found out through time sucking/wasting, that maybe my time is only seemingly wasted because I actually found a software "Socialtext" which  may help one of my non-profit clients.

What does this have to do with  wasting time?  Need I explain? Within one day, my cousin lost her best friend to brain cancer, I avoided writing a business plan outline (which equates to making money,) I started a new business but have no idea how to launch it (because it takes TIME,) have 150 pages left to read in 'Outliers' (1/4 thumbs up so far) before my book club meets at 1:00 today.

One thing at time, they say... NOT!  Gotta check up on Twitter today.  Haven't done so for a week, not good.  Trying out TweetDeck; not sure what I think about it yet.  More later.


Blackberry and Outlook - Time Sucker

Just another day spent on the phone with RIM.  They are the most helpful of any device manufacturer I can think of.  It took ALL DAY to figure out the solution for the sinking feeling that my life would end because my data was 'corrupt!'  But Blackberry (Andrew) helped me and it's fixed.  These sync issues between Outlook and Blackberry can be quite trying because it's hard to decipher and retrace steps - the problems seem to expand as I delved further into the abyss and back.  I am on the other side!  Yipee!


Social Media: REAL world in REAL time!

We get to be a part of a HUGE interconnected world.

Need HELP?

Send and receive information about what YOU'RE interested in. It's your social network and it's awesome!