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Friday.... LIST REVIEW

This is a very good day to review this past week and make a NEW list based upon what didn't get done; there are several phone calls, return phone calls, and prospecting left undone.  I am always amazed too, at how much I DO get done. If you want to KEEP your SANITY, or GET BACK your SANITY back... try it for a month.  LIST IT!


  1. Hi, found your blog whilst looking at chuck's site/s (he's a favourite of mine too!)
    ...Love your blog, full of interesting bits and pieces that are exactly what I need to hear, know and do!!!
    Thank You!!

  2. Thanks Lindy. I like yours too. I'm a follower now :). I like seeing who you follow. Funny stuff. I'll be taking closer note of it this week!

  3. Hi, I hope you don't mind I've recommended your blog on my recent post..'As any artist can tell you..' and added your link to enable others to read your blog as I am so impressed with 'the work organizer'....if you would prefer I can easily edit/delete any reference however I hope it will be okay
